
Scottish Economy

Election podcast #2 with special guest Peter MacMahon

We’re back for out second election podcast, sneaking in here just before the Easter weekend. In this week’s podcast, Mairi Spowage and Emma Congreve reflect on the first full week of the election campaign and the themes that came up in this week’s leaders debate.

We also have a guest segment from Peter MacMahon, ITV Border’s Political Editor, to talk about the big political themes as well as what is on table policy wise this election, nationally and in the south of Scotland specifically.


Mairi Spowage, Interim Director, FAI

Emma Congreve, Head of Poverty & Equalities Analysis FAI

Peter MacMahon, Political Editor ITV Border


(00:44) Doubling the Scottish Child Payment (Emma)

(06:25) Carer and disability social security powers (Emma)

(08:28) Guest segment with Peter MacMahon

(16:56) Universal Basic Income (Mairi)

(21:28) Update on the economy this week (Mairi)


Understanding Social Security in Scotland: Working age disability and carer benefits

Election 2021 Issue brief: Universal Basic Income

Household incomes and the 2021 election

The economic backdrop to the Scottish election


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The Fraser of Allander Institute (FAI) is a leading economy research institute based in the Department of Economics at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.