
Coronavirus, Scottish Economy

Economy Round Up, 12th February 2021

Emma Congreve is joined by Mairi Spowage to give an update on what the latest Scottish Business Monitor and ONS GDP statistics tell us about how the economy is fairing. They also discuss some of the findings from the Social Care Support for Adults report published last week by the FAI. 

Emma Congreve, Fraser of Allander Institute 

Mairi Spowage, Fraser of Allander Institute

(00:47) Discussion of the Scottish Business Monitor 

(08:06) Discussion of the Social Care Support for Adults Report 


Emma Congreve is a Principal Knowledge Exchange Fellow and Deputy Director at the Fraser of Allander Institute. Emma's work at the Institute is focussed on policy analysis, covering a wide range of areas of social and economic policy.  Emma is an experienced economist and has previously held roles as a senior economist at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and as an economic adviser within the Scottish Government.

Picture of Mairi Spowage, director of the Fraser of Allander Institute

Mairi is the Director of the Fraser of Allander Institute. Previously, she was the Deputy Chief Executive of the Scottish Fiscal Commission and the Head of National Accounts at the Scottish Government and has over a decade of experience working in different areas of statistics and analysis.