This week Kate Milne is joined by FAI Director Mairi Spowage to discuss all the latest on the Scottish economy.
Read the full Scottish Business Monitor publication here.
Chair: Kate Milne, Assistant Economist, Fraser of Allander Institute
Guest: Professor Mairi Spowage, Director, Fraser of Allander Institute
(00:25) Latest GDP figures
(03:00) Energy price
(05:40) Energy Support Scheme
(07:45) Looking ahead – the Scottish Business Monitor 100th Quarter and export activity
(11:00) Productivity and the four-day working week
(13:05) Scottish Leadership Contest and policy
Mairi is the Director of the Fraser of Allander Institute. Previously, she was the Deputy Chief Executive of the Scottish Fiscal Commission and the Head of National Accounts at the Scottish Government and has over a decade of experience working in different areas of statistics and analysis.
Kate is a Knowledge Exchange Assistant at the FAI working across a number of project areas. She is currently studying for her MSc in Economics at the University of Edinburgh and has a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Strathclyde. Kate is also the Outreach Coordinator at the Women in Economics Initiative which aims to encourage equal opportunity and improve representation in the field.