
FAI Publications, Scottish Economy

The latest Addleshaw Goddard Scottish Business Monitor Q3 2019

The latest Addleshaw Goddard Scottish Business Monitor was published today.

The survey provides a snapshot of activity in the Scottish economy in advance of national statistics. The survey also monitors optimism in the economy and therefore acts as a gauge of future activity levels.

The latest results

The latest Scottish Business Monitor covers activity up to the end of Q3 2019.

The Addleshaw Goddard Scottish Business Monitor, the first to be produced in a partnership between the Fraser of Allander Institute and the international law firm, revealed –

Business Monitor Headline Table 2

Data for Q3 2019 shows that business activity in the Scottish economy declined in the third quarter of this year. Almost all of the headline indicators show that recent Scottish business performance has been weaker than their 3-year averages.

With rising costs and weakening turnover, overall business performance has dampened this quarter. The net balance for new business remained positive however, was down compared to last quarter and was the lowest net balance since early 2016.

On the other hand, exports and new capital investments have improved over the quarter –  however, both remain in negative territory.

The full report can be downloaded here.



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The Fraser of Allander Institute (FAI) is a leading economy research institute based in the Department of Economics at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.