


Social Care Reform in Scotland: context, costs and questions

Social Care, as defined by the Scottish Government, comprises “all forms of personal and practical support for children, young people and adults who need extra support. It describes services and other types of help, including care homes and supporting unpaid carers to help them continue in their caring role.”

For many people, this serves more as a statement of intent than the reality they face. The policy memorandum talks about a “gap between legislative intent and delivery that has been experienced historically in this area”. The National Care Service (NCS) is the latest attempt to change this.

This briefing note and accompanying annexes pull together analysis from a range of areas that the Fraser of Allander have been analysing over the past 6 months with funding from the Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland (CCPS).

The annexes are as follows:

  1. Annex A – Summary of Scottish Government research and analysis of the NCS
  2. Annex B – Replicating the costs presented in the Independent Review of Adult Social Care
  3. Annex C – Financial Memorandum – National Care Service




Emma Congreve is a Principal Knowledge Exchange Fellow and Deputy Director at the Fraser of Allander Institute. Emma's work at the Institute is focussed on policy analysis, covering a wide range of areas of social and economic policy.  Emma is an experienced economist and has previously held roles as a senior economist at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and as an economic adviser within the Scottish Government.

Ben is an economist at the Fraser of Allander Institute working across a number of projects areas. He has a Masters in Economics from the University of Edinburgh, and a degree in Economics from the University of Strathclyde.

His main areas of focus are economic policy, social care and criminal justice in Scotland. Ben also co-edits the quarter Economic Commentary and has experience in business survey design and dissemination.

Ciara is an Associate Economist at the Fraser of Allander Institute. She has a broad research experience across different areas including poverty and inequality, the voluntary sector, health, education, trade, and renewables and climate change. Ciara has an MSc in Applied Economics (Distinction) and a first-class BA Honour’s degree in Economics and Finance, both from the University of Strathclyde.

Pauline Bucher

Part of Collection

Over the past 6 months and coming year, we explore social care reform in Scotland, including the recently announced National Care Service for Scotland bill.