

Social enterprises and learning disabilities

We discuss the role that social enterprises have to play in supporting people with learning disabilities and additional support needs in Scotland. We’re joined by the team from The Usual Place, a social enterprise in Dumfries.

Episode Notes

Fraser of Allander
Rob Watts

The Usual Place
Heather, Jessica, Luke, Jack and Ben

(0.34) What is The Usual Place?

(2.08) How did The Usual Place come about?

(4.09) Why is there a need for social enterprises like The Usual Place?

(7.05) Funding The Usual Place?

(9.47) Lessons for society on how to better support young people with additional support needs.

(11.59) Hearing from young people who work at The Usual Place.


Picture of Rob Watts
Rob Watts

Knowledge Exchange Associate at the Fraser of Allander Institute